I have a small practice artwork to share with you today. I have been spending time on the craft of water colors lately.

Instead of painting too much details, I am focussing on the texture of water colors (wet on wet technique) to take care of the details and background. I need to do even more practice to get comfortable with it. Meanwhile, enjoy this small piece of work produced in the process, based on tutorials.

“Into the deep forest”, 15×20 cm, watercolor on paper

This a simple kind of silhouette painting against a white foggy background. Colors applied on the edges of the wet paper were spread to give a smooth blended texture everywhere, and then background and foreground are contrasted with lighter-deeper tones/trees to give a feel of distance.

I hope you are inspired to create simple works like these.

I will display some more practice works ! 😊 Until then,

~Keep smiling~ 🙂